Latest Network updates

Tassielink wishes to inform passengers travelling on Route 714 departing Hobart @ 13:08 to Cygnet and 715 14:20 Cygnet to Kingston that we are unable to service flood Road and Sale Streets due to power line works. We apologise for the inconvenience. Please refer to or your NextThere App for real-time information.
Tassielink would like to advise all passengers that due to traffic conditions in and around Hobart CBD, is causing delays across our Network.
Tassielink would like to advise passengers wishing to travel on our Hobart - Ranelagh 712, 8:20am is facing delays of approximately 15 minutes. Please remain at all stops and we will be woth yoy as doon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Concessions from 19th Jan 2020

Changes to Concessions from 19th Jan 2020

The Tasmanian Government provides public transport concessions to ensure those most in need have access to essential services. Concessions are provided to students, people on low incomes, people with a disability, older Tasmanians and those who have served their country or community. As part of the changes to improve public transport a set of common concessions for adults will be applied across Tasmania, creating a fairer concession system for Tasmanians. These changes came into effect on 19 January 2020.

Previously there have been two sets of different concessions – one for urban areas and another for non-urban areas. The main change is that any concession card accepted on the urban network, will also be accepted on the non-urban network. Concession fares in non-urban areas will continue to be distance-based fares, set at half the price of a full adult fare.

Click below for latest information on concessions

Adult ConcessionsChild | Student Concessions

Our Vision

be a leader in developing and maintaining sustainable transport needs

Our Mission

to deliver safe, reliable and efficient public transport services

We have clear expectations of how we will work together to achieve our vision and mission.


Metro Tasmania
Bus Industry Confederation