
TO :



Evandale, Perth, Longford

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Route Information


Slight decrease in the number of weekday services to Cressy/Longford, which is off-set by a slight increase in Saturday services and provision of new Sunday services. Travel time for Cressy/Longford passengers will reduced by up to 15 minutes as the route will no longer travel via Evandale and the route through Perth will be made more direct.


Similar number of services to Evandale, including the provision of new Sunday services. The route to and from Evandale will change, with Evandale to be serviced via Perth on the Perth Mill Road. The route will no longer travel via the Launceston Airport (Evandale Road).


Increase in the number of services to Perth, particularly on Saturdays and Sundays. Perth will be serviced by multiple routes, including from St Helens and Hobart. The route through Perth will be made more direct, with services to travel along the Perth Main Road. New bus stops will be constructed to support this change including near the intersection of Main Road and Phillip Street.

  • More information on bus stop locations in Perth is available here.
  • Due to the temporary closure of Haggerstone Rd (old Midway Highway) northbound Tassielink services will not be able to stop at Devon Hills. More information is available here.
  • Once the Perth bypass is constructed the route will no longer be able to travel via Drummond Street.

The majority of Cressy/Longford and Evandale/Perth services will travel via the Kings Meadows corridor - which means that any passenger can get on and off the bus on this corridor. This change will increase the number of services along this important urban corridor.

Services will start and finish at St Johns Street in Launceston as opposed to the Cornwall Square Transit Centre. The pickup stop in St John Street will be stop A1 .

Latest Network updates

Tassielink would like to advise all passengers that due to traffic conditions in and around Hobart CBD, is causing delays across our Network.
Tassielink would like to advise passengers wishing to travel on our Hobart - Ranelagh 712, 8:20am is facing delays of approximately 15 minutes. Please remain at all stops and we will be woth yoy as doon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Tassielink wishes to inform passengers travelling on Route 714 from Cygnet to Hobart that the service is currently operating 60 minutes behind schedule due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologise for the inconvenience. Please refer to or your NextThere App for real-time information.