Charter Services

Tassielink have a range of buses available for charter.
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Our Vision

Be a leader in developing and maintaining sustainable transport needs.
See our Fares

Tassielink Transit

Connecting Tasmanian Communities

advice to all our passengers

August 2022
NEC’s Transport Management Solution is available via a free mobile application (iOS users) or mobile website (Android users). TassieLink buses are equipped with QR codes to allow for easy download for all passengers

Fares - non-urban fares, fairer and simpler from Monday 10 July 2023

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Latest Network updates

Tassielink wishes to advise all customers. Monday 10th March is a public holiday. All Tassielink services will be operating to the Sunday/Public holiday timetable. Normal weekday services will recommence Tuesday 11th March. Our office hours will be 9am to 4pm Monday only.
Tassielink wishes to advise all customers that due to heavy traffic congestion, some of our services are experiencing delays. Please remain at your designated stop and we will arrive as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience. For real-time information, please refer to or your NextThere App.
Tassielink regrets to inform that due to current police diversions, we are unable to service Cambridge Road. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Our Vision

be a leader in developing and maintaining sustainable transport needs

Our Mission

to deliver safe, reliable and efficient public transport services

We have clear expectations of how we will work together to achieve our vision and mission.


Metro Tasmania
Bus Industry Confederation